'2025' appears in large numbers against an image of Earth from space
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2025 EO and climate dates for your calendar

Events  |  06 January, 2025

2025 dates for your space and climate events calendar

Updated March, 2025

Welcome to our calendar of 2025 dates for your diary. If you want to request your event to be included, please email Sally, s.stevens@reading.ac.uk


Ocean-driven solutions for a sustainable economy and resilient communities – EU Ocean Data webinar, 12-2.30pm GMT, January 20th

An exchange of information between the European Commission and Baltic institutions responsible for national statistics on the potential applications of Earth Observation data to enhance national statistics. More details: https://www.copernicus.eu/en/events/events/ocean-driven-solutions-sustainable-economy-and-resilient-communities-eu-ocean-data

International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation, kicks off January 21st

This is the official launch date and it will feature a high-level event, organised by WMO and UNESCO, with a series of online side events or 1-1.5 hours in different countries and time zones. See the website for more.

Space Investment Day, London, January 22nd

UK Space Agency CEO Paul Bate will give the keynote, titled ‘UK’s Competitive Edge’. Apply to attend.

AI for Earth Observation, 9.30am-3.30pm, Satellite Applications Catapult, Harwell, January 22nd

Free workshop on building AI & Earth Observation project proposals and consortia. More details: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ai-for-earth-observation-tickets-1082906906709

17th European Space Conference, Brussels, January 28th-29th

Gain an overview of the European space scene and future direction of European space initiatives. More details: https://spaceconference.eu/

AGI Earth Observation Network meeting, 5.30-8pm, Geovation, London, January 29th

Open to all, from those with a passing interest to expert users of Earth Observation data, to develop a broad community that explores the value of bringing geospatial and Earth Observation data together. Book here.

Orbit South Central networking, Guildford, 11am-12.30pm, January 29th &  February 26th

These often sell out in advance so book now.

Planet AI Symposium, online, January 30th

Gain insights into how AI is being used to advance Earth Observation data, support decision-making, regulation, sustainability and innovation. The speakers will include Planet leaders. Register here.

EOcafe: Enhancing urban resilience: a success story from Sofia and the HARMONIA project, online, January 30th

The discussion will explore how can EO help uncover and address climate-impacted urban challenges and geohazards and the advantages of EO in decision-making and influencing local policies and regulations. Registration is free.

Communicating the Value of Earth Observation for Wetland Protection, webinar, 3-3.45pm,  January 31st

Being held by our members, Green Orbit Digital, to coincide with World Wetlands Day (February 2nd). It will give insights on how to use marketing and communication strategies to translate EO data into a rallying cry for wetland. More details: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/greenorbitspace/1498408


ESA Digital Twin Earth Components: Open Science Meeting, ESRIN, Italy, February 3rd-5th

The ESA Digital Twin Earth programme contributes to the European Commission’s Destination Earth initiative to monitor and simulate natural phenomena, hazards and related human activities. Scientists, research institutions, policymakers, innovators, industry, members of ESA DTE activities, European and national DT initiatives and projects are invited to share their experience and contribute to shape the future evolution of the use of EO in the context of Digital Twins in Europe. More details: https://nikal.eventsair.com/esa-digital-twin

Satuccino, Harwell, 2-4pm, February 5th

Monthly networking event for the satellite community. Free registration.

Ignite Space 2025, Leicester, February 5th-6th

Ignite Space ‘Powering the Business of Space’  will take place at the National Space Centre, Leicester. Stand space, sponsorship packages and free tickets to attend are available for this annual event hosted by the UK Space Agency. All the details are here.

The Future of Environmental Research: A NERC Townhall Dialogue, Leeds, 10am-3.15pm, February 6th

Gain insight into NERC’s Forward Look Strategy, as well as hearing a panel discussion on emerging trends and future challenges and influencing the future of research and innovation commissioning.  Register by January 30th.

ESA 101, Liverpool, 9.30am-2pm, February 6th

Hosted by the North West Cluster and UK Space Agency to help businesses engage with the European Space Agency and the UK Space Agency. Book here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/esa-101-liverpool-tickets-1119721710779

Biospace25 – Biodiversity Insight, Italy, February 10th-14th

This will be the first international conference exclusively dedicated to the application of Satellite Remote Sensing (SRS) across the various dimensions of biodiversity, and addressing the use of Earth Observations in all realms, from terrestrial, freshwater, coastal to marine ecosystems. It is being organised by the European Space Agency with the EC, Group on Earth Observations Biodiversity Network, Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS), and other partners. Find out more.

Geo Colorado, USA, February 10th-12th

Subtitled ‘The intersection of geospatial and the built world’ the conference will bring together updates, case studies, ideas and predictions from a wide variety of experts. Updates will be posted on the event website

European Earth Observation Ecosystem:2040+, Netherlands, February  11th-12th

Cross-cutting workshop to establish a ‘European Blueprint for Earth Observation’ to identify and group activities within all EO programmes (science, commercial and operational), to identify gaps in the system against the future needs for scientific research and development, innovative new EO mission ideas and technologies, and mission data exploitation with applications that address new Earth system science and deliver societal benefits. More details: https://atpi.eventsair.com/the-european-earth-observation-ecosystem-2040/workshop-objectives

India Energy Week, Delhi, February 11th-14th

Due to attract 700 exhibitors and 70,000 decision-makers, the international energy conference aims to build  connections, foster breakthrough collaborations and unveil innovations to shape the global energy landscape. A wide range of global companies have booked stands. Find out more here.

UKEOF Conference, online, 9am-3.30pm, February 13th

Climate change impacts on the natural environment in the UK is the theme of the free UKEOF (Environmental Observation Framework) Conference. The keynote speakers will be:
Professor Beth Scott, University of Aberdeen – Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems.
Professor Ed Hawkins, University of Reading – Community engagement in climate change issues.

More details and the full list of speakers.

Smart Shipping Café Series, 3rd webinar, 10.30-11.30am, February 20th

Showcasing cutting-edge technologies, industry trends, and practical solutions that are set to transform the shipping sector. Aimed at not just at those already in the maritime industry. The topic for this cafe is ‘Safety’. Register here.

Methane Mitigation Europe Summit, Amsterdam, February 25th-27th

The event begins with a pre-conference workshop, followed by a two-day programme of round tables, panels and networking opportunities. Rod Robinson, from S4C members NPL, is among the speakers. More here.

SPACETalks, ECSAT, Harwell, February 25th-27th (Book by January 31st)

Space Tech event featuring presentations and discussions on existing markets, future markets and security. Tickets from £200+VAT.  Organised by Cosmonaut Events. Details here.

Global Space Technology Convention & Exhibition, Singapore, February 26th-27th

Expanded from the well-established GSTC, with a larger showcase of technologies and capabilities. More details: https://space.org.sg/gstce/

Road to CM25: key priorities and opportunities for the EO industry – EOcafe, online, 3-4pm, February 27th

European Space Agency’s Simonetta Cheli, Director of ESA Earth Observation Programmes and Head of ESRIN, will talk about the foreseen key priorities for November’s Council at Ministerial Level (CM25) and the role for the EO downstream industry, including how the to provide input in the lead up to the CM25. Register here.

Passive Optical Remote Sensing Workshop, London, February 27th

Organised by the Centre for Earth Observation Instrumentation (CEOI) for remote sensing professionals working with Passive Optical Remote Sensing Technology (nominally, UV to SWIR). More details.


UKSEDS Conference, Leicester, March 1st-2nd

Aimed at students studying space-relevant courses at universities in the UK. For information email enquiries@ukseds.org

European Ocean Days, Brussels, March 3rd-7th

A key component of the preparation of the Ocean Pact, a reference framework for all EU ocean-related policies. The series of sessions will exchange ideas, challenges and solutions across diverse blue communities. They include:

    • Young Voices for the Ocean, including the first Youth Policy Dialogue
    • Mission Restore Our Ocean and Waters Forum
    • Fisheries and Ocean Dialogues
    • BlueInvest Day
    • Marine Knowledge for the Ocean Pact
    • Fisheries and Ocean Science Seminar

More here: https://maritime-forum.ec.europa.eu/events/young-voices-ocean-european-ocean-days-2025-03-03_en

AgriFood Innovation Showcase, Birmingham, March 6th

Fostering cross-sector collaboration to build a sustainable food system is the core aim of this event for innovators, stakeholders and experts, organised by UKRI Innovate UK. More details.

NCAS Early Career Symposium – Harmony in the Skies: Bridging Horizons in Atmospheric Science, Leeds, March 6th-7th

The theme is Integrity, including scientific and data integrity, intellectual property and authorship, morality and ethics within research, and interpersonal connections. The ECR-led event will provide a forum for sharing ideas and best practices through a series of workshops, short talks and discussions. Free to attend and accommodation is available. Details here.

Satellite 2025, Washington DC, March 10th-13th

Registration is open for the Conference and Exhibition (March 11th-13th). Access to the exhibition is free but there are charges for side events. The programme covers satellite technology, agricultural applications, policy, telecommunications, transport, finance, investment, commercial markets and more. Early bird ticket prices apply until November 21st. More details here.

Mapping Success: Women in Geospatial, University of Southampton, 11am-5pm, March 11th

An opportunity to connect with inspiring professionals, celebrate achievements and discuss key issues in the geospatial sector. Attendance is free, book here.

Climate services for cities – Shaping climate adaptation and mitigation actions, Climateurope2, online, March 11th-12th

There will be community discussions on the design, use, quality, business innovation, and policy drivers of climate services. The fourth Climateurope Webstival will cover standardisation, mitigation as a complementary strategy to adaptation, climate neutral cities, the Climate Digital Twin of Destination Earth and more. Registration is free.

Space-Comm Expo, London, March 11th-12th

Visit the Space4Climate stand and book your seat for the UKRI-led session ‘Space for Nature & Finance’ at 2pm on the Tuesday. We are supporting the session with some of our members taking part, 2-5pm in the North Gallery Meeting Rooms. There will be a networking reception afterwards, book your place. The agenda and list of speakers is on our website Events page.  Register free and find more details on the event website

Access to Finance, Harwell, March 13th

The Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) in collaboration with Oxfordshire Greentech, the county’s business network for the low carbon economy will bring together experts and investors who specialise in helping innovators flourish. Together we aim to support you in better understanding the process for obtaining funds from a variety of sources. The agenda will cover start-up funding opportunities, seed funding, acceleration and Series A funding; and will consist of presentations from Innovate UKJP MorganOxford Science Enterprises, UKI2SClean Growth FundSatellite Applications Catapult and more, signposting in the right direction, pitching and plenty of informal networking. There are also a few five-minute pitching slots available. https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/access-to-finance-tickets-1055135301089

Unlocking Space for Business Showcase, London, 9am-2pm, March 14th

An  interactive event giving insights, inspiration and actionable opportunities for suppliers and business end-users of satellite solutions from the UKSA programme.

Make sure you get your ticket so you can benefit from this successful programme:

  • Explore future opportunities and access support
  • Hear from USB-funded projects, showcasing how satellite data is being used
  • Get real-world perspectives from end-users across insurance, banking and transport

More details and registration here.

EarthCARE in Orbit Validation Workshop, Frascati, Italy, March 17th-20th

There is an open invitation to take part in the 2nd workshop, organised by ESA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA). Activities will include discussing findings from initial validation activities and formulating recommendations for product improvements. Register by March 3rd.

40th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), Farnborough, March 17th-21st

ISRSE-40, organised by the International Committee for Remote Sensing of Environment (ICORSE), will run alongside the new Farnborough International Space Show. The global summit is held every two years and is aimed at scientists, researchers, policy and practitioners as well as hosting international space agencies. The subtitle this year is ‘Synergy in Sight: Harnessing Earth Observation for Sustainable Development’. The National Centre for Earth Observation (NCEO) and Regional Cluster Space South Central are supporting partners.

Find out more and register to receive updates.

European Climate Pact flagship event 2025: Together in action, Brussels, March 19th

Climate adaptation, youth activism, inclusive climate action, overcoming ecoanxiety and AI’s role in climate action will all be on the agenda along with networking. Details here.

Space Tech Assembly, Leeds, March 19th

Being held by Space Hub Yorkshire to present to non-space audiences how space tech and Earth Observation data is disrupting industries with experts discussing the impact on:

    • AgriTech
    • Investment
    • The public sector
    • Sustainability
    • Funding and finance

More details: https://www.tickettailor.com/events/spacehubyorkshire/1504218

Farnborough International Space Show, Farnborough, March 19th-20th

A new event from the organisers of the Farnborough International Airshow, where the Space Zone has been so successful. It is aimed at international industry, government, academia and defence in the space sector. It is supported by ADS and UKspace. There are six themes:

    • Earth and Space
    • Commercial Space
    • Operational Space
    • Sustainable Space
    • Exploring Space

Free tickets are being snapped up quickly for this new show that runs alongside  the 40th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE) – for which there is an admission fee (March 17th-21st). Book here.

Find out more.

Forecasting sustainability: Marketing the impact of satellites on climate resilience, webinar, 3.45-4.30pm, March 24th

Organised by S4C members Green Orbit Digital to highlight how satellite technology is revolutionising weather forecasting, enhancing climate predictions, and driving global sustainability efforts. It is aimed at Space, technology, and environmental sector marketing professionals , policymakers, meteorologists and climate advocates interested in leveraging satellite data. Details and booking link.

OS Innovation Festival, Southampton, 9.55am-4pm, March 26th

Hosted by Ordnance Survey to bring together start-ups, partners and government stakeholders to build solutions to improve quality of life for everyone. It is a free event, find out more and book.

Climate Chance Europea Africa – Adaptation: Taking Action, Marseille, France, March 31st-April 1st

Addressing the challenges of adapting to climate change. More details,


Satuccino, Harwell and online, 2pm, April 2nd

Monthly networking event at the Satellite Applications Catapult. Register here.

ESA CM25 Industry Event, Netherlands, April 3rd-4th

An opportunity for ESA Programme Directorates to inform industry on their current plans and for CM25 in November, and to hear feedback. Industries and industry associations can apply to send one delegate per organisation. Registration is open until March 20th but will close earlier if capacity is reached. More here.

Ocean Business, Southampton, April 8th -10th

An international event for ocean science and technology professionals, hosted by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC). More information.

British Conference of Undergraduate Research, Newcastle, April 9th-10th

An opportunity for undergrads to build confidence and showcase their EO work, whether it is a dissertation, research project, internship, or an insightful end-of-term essay. More details.

RSPSoc Wavelengths conference, in person, Nottingham, April 10th-11th

Wavelength is an early careers conference ran by the Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society (RSPsoc). It is designed for anyone in post graduate research (Masters, PhD and early post doc) to provide a relaxed platform for less experienced researchers to present their work. Find out more.

Geospatial World Forum, Madrid, April 22nd-25th

Aimed at geospatial professionals and those involved in public policies, national mapping agencies, private sector enterprises, multilateral and development organisations, scientific and academic institutions, and end-users in government and public services. The theme is ‘Spatial Computing & Digital Twin Enterprise: Accelerating the Future Geospatial Ecosystem’. More details: https://geospatialworld.net/gwf/2025/index.php

ESA Workshop on UK Industrial Participation, Harwell, 9am-5.30pm, April 23rd

Organised by the Uk Space Agency with the ESA policy and operations team, the morning will cover ESA regulations, including legal frameworks, IP protection rules, contractual concerns and bidding procedures. The afternoon will  feature presentations about what to expect from ESA in after the Council of Ministers 25, which will set the baseline for the UK’s investment in ESA for the next three year cycle. Tickets are free, book here.

EGU, Vienna & online, April 27th-May 2nd

Presentations, sessions and stands for geoscientists from around the world. More details: https://www.egu25.eu/

Nature Finance Forum Europe, Paris, April 28th

Space4Climate is delighted to be a partner for this new event, organised by Climate Action in its pre-COP30 series and alongside its Sustainable Investment Forum Europe in Paris (April 29th). Aimed at senior investment executives, it plans to showcase groundbreaking nature, biodiversity and carbon removals projects, while accelerating new policy frameworks that accelerate the growth and impact of nature projects. More details on speakers on our News page.

We have secured a 25% discount on tickets for members – use this link.  This is a great opportunity for members to save some money, and only for a limited time.

Visit the event website.


European Regulation of Climate Services: A Dialogue with Private Providers, Barcelona, April 28th-29th

Join private sector, regulators and standardisation experts for a closed-door event aiming to build a trustworthy and standardised climate services market. It is organised by Climateurope2, the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, World Meteorological Organization, Copernicus Climate Change Service, and global assurance and risk management organisation, DNV. €300 per person, more details here.

Nature Finance Forum Europe, Paris, April 28th

A new event, organised by Climate Action in its pre-COP30 series and alongside its Sustainable Investment Forum Europe in Paris (see below). Aimed at senior investment executives, it plans to showcase groundbreaking nature, biodiversity and carbon removals projects, while accelerating new policy frameworks that accelerate the growth and impact of nature projects. Full event details.
DISCOUNT TICKET OFFER: Space4Climate has a 25% off registration offer  – use code IP-S4C25OFF when you register.

Sustainable Investment Forum Europe, Paris, April 29th

Aimed at finance leaders and stakeholders to assess global progress and chart a course for the future. Register to receive updates. More details and registration link.

Innovation Zero, London, April 29th-30th

Space4Climate will again have a stand at this busy event which attracts a business and policy audience looking for ways to innovate and achieve net zero targets.  S4C Vice Chair Donna Lyndsay, of Ordnance Survey, is a panelist at one of the side events – ‘Roots of resilience: building a nature-positive future’.
Find out if you qualify for free tickets.

How can space science missions advance science, drive innovation and create a vibrant UK space industry? London (incl a dinner) and online, 5.30pm-9.30pm, April 30th

Organised by the Foundation for Science and Technology with speakers including Prof Carole Mundell, Director of Science at the European Space Agency and Head of the European Space Astronomy Centre and Prof Adam Amara, Chief Scientist, UK Space Agency.  Register on Eventbrite.

Oasis Insight Conference, London, April 30th-May 1st

Presented by Oasis Risk Modelling with Lloyd’s Market Association with updates and insights on latest models aimed at the insurance, risk and financial sectors. Registration opens January 27. Details here.


Joint Urban Remote Sensing Event (JURSE) ‘Shaping Sustainable Cities’, Tunisia, May 4th-7th

The 17th JURSE international conference but the first to be held in Africa. It will focus on cutting-edge research and how it can contribute to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). More details: https://2025.ieee-jurse.org/

15th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites in Earth System Observation, Berlin, May 4th-8th

An opportunity for scientists, engineers, and managers to share insights on current and upcoming programmes and missions. Registration opens March 3rd. More details: https://iaa2025.welcome-manager.de/

ESA-NASA International Workshop on AI Foundation Model for EO, Italy, May 5th-7th

Bringing together experts from AI, geospatial science, climate, weather and Earth observation communities. The goal is to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, share the latest research and technological advancements, and discuss practical solutions for effectively integrating FMs into the Earth Observation and Earth Sciences ecosystems. It will also explore how Foundation Models can be leveraged in the context of commercial Earth Observation products and services, driving innovation in the private sector. It is an in-person event, but it will be live streamed, the link will be made available here.

Inaugural GEO Global Forum, Rome, May 5th-9th

A new international event (based on the former GEO Week) to harness and advance Earth Intelligence in GEO’s 20th anniversary year. The programme combines community events, plenary and ministerial events and an exhibition. Applications are open for 90-minute community event submissions. These should emphasise relevance, diversity, and collaboration. Proposals must focus on actionable Earth intelligence and impact, ensure gender, geography, and generation diversity among speakers, and encourage joint applications from GEO members, participating organisations, associates, and GEO Work Programme contributors. Governments, research institutions and industry partners and can also apply to exhibit. Contact Elisa Cannistraci, progettazione@arco-studio.net, for more information. More details: https://earthobservations.org/events/geo-global-forum-2025

ESA – NASA International Workshop on AI Foundation Model for EO, ESRIN, Italy, May 5th-7th

Aimed at experts from AI, geospatial science, climate, weather and Earth Observation communities. The goal is to foster interdisciplinary collaboration, share latest research and technological advancements, and to discuss practical solutions for effectively integrating FMs into the Earth Observation and Earth Sciences ecosystems. will explore how Foundation Models can be leveraged in the context of commercial Earth Observation products and services, driving innovation in the private sector. More details: https://nikal.eventsair.com/cmspreview/nasa-esa-international-workshop-on-geospatial-ai-foundation-model-for-earth-observation-and-earth-sciences/participation-and-registration

Future Energy Asia, Thailand, May 7th-9th

Aimed at industry professionals, buyers and decision-makers who are focussed on resilient energy system supported by diverse energy sources and climate technologies, looking for emerging trends. Visit the website.

Circular Innovations Conference, London, 1.30-5.30pm, May 8th

A TechUK event looking at how tech and innovation can be applied in resources and waste, look at how digital devices are becoming more circular and where AI, data analytics and IoT can revolutionise resource use. Book now.

S4C Members’ Conference 2025 PLUS Collaboration Earth Workshop – Airbus, Stevenage, Herts,  May 14th

The 2025 in-person S4C Conference is for members’ only and will take place in the morning. In the afternoon we will be joined by the non-space user community for Collaboration Earth – a workshop to explore ways that Earth Observation data can address critical climate applications. The workshop, from 12.30-5pm, is open to all UK providers of satellite climate services and those who currently use or are interested in using satellite climate data in their activities, products, and initiativesRegister for Collaboration Earth.
If you are a Space4Climate member and have not yet received a calendar invitation for the Members’ Conference, please email Sally Stevens.

Annual meeting of NOC Association of Marine Science National Capability Beneficiaries (NOCA), on line, May 15th-16th

Anyone with an interest in the marine environment is welcome to join. The meeting will cover NERC national capability science, ships, and autonomous vehicles, and how the community can engage. There will be an update on the Atlantic Climate and Environment Strategic Science (AtlantiS) programme and on the new marine science scoping group. Register here.

EU Space Days 2025, Poland and live streamed, May 27th-28th

Organised by the European Commission to connect and promote policy, business and innovation within the EU. It will feature trends in space tech, including updates from the Copernicus programme. It will be live streamed on YouTube.

Public Communication of Science and Technology Network Conference, Aberdeen, May 27th-29th

The theme is ‘Science communication for positive change: exploring transitions, traditions, and tensions’. This is the first time this international conference has been held in the UK. You can find out more about PCST here: https://www.pcst.network/


Biodiversity Showcase, London, 10am-12noon, June 3rd
Another TechUK event, showcasing digital solutions that can make a difference for biodiversity in the UK, from helping compliance with biodiversity net gain rules, to reporting under TNFD and the illegal wildlife trade. This event will also look at what is happening with nature policy and an overview of the regulations. Book now .

GEO Business, ExCeL, London, June 4th-5th

Stands are on sale – see the event brochure.

2025 UN Ocean Conference, Nice, France, June 9th-13th

A high-level United Nations conference to support the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal  (SDG) 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. The theme is ‘Accelerating action and mobilizing all actors to conserve and sustainably use the ocean’. It will be co-hosted by France and Costa Rica. More details here.

 EO Summit, New York, June 10th-11th

TerraWatch Space has set the date for next year’s event in America, sponsorship packages are available. Early details here.

EXPANDEO, Brussels, June 11th-12th

Organised by the European Association of Remote Sensing Companies (EARSC) and aimed at EO companies, institutional actors and other stakeholders. More details: https://expandeo.earsc.org/

European Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA) 2025, Rimini, Italy, June 16th-18th

A dynamic event dedicated to sharing climate adaptation implementation experiences, showcasing cutting-edge research, and fostering collaboration on climate change impacts and adaptation. Organised by JPI Climate and the MAGICA Horizon project. Registration is open. 

Conference on Machine Learning for Earth Observation, Exeter, June 18th-20th

Open to participants from academia, the public sector, and industry, at all career stages to meet and hear from experts and practitioners from remote sensing, data science, and industry. participants will reflect on the state of the art in remote sensing and identify the most promising directions for future innovation. Find out more, submit an abstract (deadline April 3rd) and register on the website.

London Climate Action Week, June 21st-29th

Sign up to the mailing list for updates here.

European Space Agency Living Planet Symposium, Vienna, June 23rd-27th
ESA’s Earth Observation conference, held every 3 years, unites scientists and researchers from around the world to share and discuss the latest in Earth science observation and technologies. More here.

Cities Climate Action Summit, London and online, June 24th-25th

Aimed at city leaders, policymakers and green finance experts. Part of London Climate Action Week. More here.

Blue Earth Forum, London, June 24th-26th

Bringing together business and investors, applications open. Part of London Climate Action Week. Early details here.

Climate Innovation Forum, Guildhall, London, June 25th

Thanks to a new relationship with Climate Action, we have secured a limited number of free tickets for members for this high profile flagship event of London Climate Action Week. It attracts an audience of business, policy and finance leaders. More details on our News page.

To express interest in a free ticket, please email Space4Climate@reading.ac.uk

We also have a 25% discount off all other registrations. Use code IP-S4C25OFF when you register here.

Speaker details on the event website.


Met Office Space Community Day, Exeter, July 11th. Register by June 20th

A day for UK-based industry, academia and Government, filled with insightful updates, discussions and networking opportunities. To maximise the collaborative experience, in person attendance is very much preferred and encouraged. There will be an option to join online, but please do be mindful that this will limit access to some content. Register here.

European Urban Resilience Forum, Rotterdam, June 25th-27th

For city representatives, experts, and stakeholders from local and regional institutions to discuss strategies, initiatives and actions related to climate change adaptation, disaster management and the cultivation of urban resilience. This year the event focusses on accelerating resilience action, More details,

Agri-TechE Innovation Hub 2025, Norfolk, June 25th-26th

The Innovation Hub at the Royal Norfolk Show is a platform for showcasing new farming practices, technologies, and emerging agri-tech. More here.


Earth Explorer 11 User Consultation Meeting, Prague, July 9th

UK-conceived climate satellite WIVERN (by Prof Anthony Illingworth who originated EarthCARE) and CAIRT are the focus of the European Space Agency’s user consultation meeting. This is a valuable chance to support the final selection of which of the two missions will go forward for development for Earth Explorer 11. More here.

Met Office Space Community Day, Exeter, July 11th. Register by June 20th

A day for UK-based industry, academia and Government, filled with insightful updates, discussions and networking opportunities. To maximise the collaborative experience, in person attendance is very much preferred and encouraged. There will be an option to join online, but please do be mindful that this will limit access to some content. Register here.

UK Space Conference, July 16th-17th

A save the date has been issued with more information to come. You can register for updates here.



Save the date: NCEO Virtual Science Conference, September 3rd-5th

For an audience of National Centre for Earth Observation staff across its centres in UK universities.

NCAS-NCEO-UKCEH Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, York, September 9th-10th

Two days in which experts, early career researchers, and stakeholders from across the UK will present and discuss cutting-edge science talks, show posters, network and collaborate. Abstracts are welcome from all areas of atmospheric chemistry – from indoor environments to climate scales, and covering fundamental experiments, field observations (in-situ and remote sensing, including from satellites), modelling and data science. The deadline is May 6th. More details.

British Science Festival, Liverpool, September 10th-14th

Event proposals are invited for the British Science Festival , which will be hosted in partnership by the University of Liverpool and Liverpool John Moores University. Anyone can propose an event for the free Festival which celebrates science in its broadest sense. More information, including how to submit a proposal, is here. The deadline is January 20th.

EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference, Lyon, September 15th-19th

Co-hosted by Meteo-France with the sub-title ‘From Space to Safety: Earth Observation for Future Weather and Climate Preparedness’. More details: https://www.eumetsat.int/eumetsat-meteorological-satellite-conference-2025

World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit, London, September 22nd-23rd

Details here.

IAC, Sydney, September 29th-October 3rd

Registration is due to open in February, when abstract submissions will also close. More details: https://www.iac2025.org/


Space-Comm Expo, Dubai, October 6th-7th

New event, early details here.

Adaptation Futures, New Zealand, October 13th-16th

Cals for submissions and proposals close on February 25th. More details and early information are on the website.

 Meteorological Technology World Expo, Austria, October 14th-16th

Showcasing meteorological, hydromet, metocean and environmental monitoring technologies and services. Aimed at professionals across aviation, maritime, agriculture, transportation and renewable energy and representatives of national meteorological and hydrological services, environmental agencies and research institutes. More details: https://www.meteorologicaltechnologyworldexpo.com/en/

Blue Earth Summit, Woolwich, London, October 15th-17th

For innovators, startups, investors, policy and academia. Early bird prices available on the website.

Oslo Innovation Week, Norway, October 20th-24th

Showcasing pioneering technologies, products and services for solutions aligned to the Sustainable Development Goals. More details: Oslo Innovation Week 2025

ESPI Conference, Vienna, October 28th-29th

Discussions among European and international stakeholders will focus on ‘Europe as a Space Power – Directionality & Priorities of Strategic Action’. Pre-register here.

EUMETSAT Climate Symposium: From space to climate services: co-creation in action, Darmstadt, Germany , October 28th-30th

Celebrating 25 years of climate at EUMETSAT with a symposium for policy and decision makers at all administrative levels, developers of workflows using satellite climate data, providers of operational climate services and their users. Providers of technology for co-creation in cloud-computing also welcome. Sessions will focus on:

  • Climate Policy and Socio-Economic Benefits of Climate Data;
  • Usage of Satellite Climate Products in Applications and their Future Design;
  • Interaction between Research and Operations in the joint Development of Applications;
  • Technical Co-evolution of Data Access and Utilisation.

Event details.


REAP Conference, November 4th, Peterborough

Organised by Agri-TechE and marking its 12th year by moving from Norwich to Peterborough. More details in due course.

6th Symposium of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR): Space Exploration 2025: A Symposium on Humanity’s Challenges and Celestial Solutions, Cyprus, November 3rd-7th

Hosted by Cyprus Space Exploration Organisation with sessions organised under the themes:

  • Humanity’s Challenges and the Potential of Space
  • Space as a Unifying Force: Fostering International Collaboration
  • Space Tech for Earth and Beyond: Innovation, AI, and Sustainable Solutions
  • The Ethics of Exploration: Responsible and Inclusive Space Endeavours
  • Capacity Building, CubeSats and Outreach Event

Submissions can be made now and close on April 4th. Details here.

COP30, Brazil, November 10th-21st

The 2025 UN Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC COP 30) will convene in November 2025 in Brazil.

Space Tech Expo Europe, Bremen, November 18th-20th

Designed as a B2B event. Early details here: https://www.spacetechexpo-europe.com/


Space-Comm Expo Scotland, Glasgow, December 3rd-4th

Being held for the 2nd year with a focus on the thriving Scottish space industry. Early details here.

AGU, New Orleans, December 15th-19th

Details will be published here: https://www.agu.org/


Save the date: Space-Comm Expo London, March 4th-5th, 2026