
Vegetation health for visitor & leisure attractions in a changing climate

Green space is vital for its social and environmental benefits - including health and well-being, as a sanctuary for habitats and species, and for its ability to keep us cool and mitigate flooding...

Climate risk disclosure with Chartered Banking Institute

An online event to explore the range of space-enabled climate datasets and tools that can support financial services firms in climate risk analysis and impact assessment of green investment...

Green Infrastructure for health, wellbeing, and climate resilience

The London Climate Change Partnership, with CIBSE and the MESH climate services network (co-founded and hosted by Space4Climate), organised this event about green infrastructure to promote health...

Global open heat data -talk to the scientists

An online workshop for both users and providers of satellite Land Surface Temperature data to share their experiences and knowledge in this field.  The focus of the meeting will be on LST data set...

Co-ordinating Research Action, Air Quality & CV-19

AQNUK worked in collaboration with SAQN and the UKIEG to convene an online workshop on possible interactions between air quality and COVID-19, ambient environmental conditions indoors and out...

MESH networking reception at Futurebuild

Join us for a networking reception for those tackling climate change and making use of climate information...

space4climate @Futurebuild

Space4Climate is taking part in Futurebuild, renown as THE built environment event where brands of all sizes can share innovations, from products, to processes and solutions, with over 27,000 industry...

Heat data and vulnerability

Space4Climate worked with the London Climate Change Partnership to start a conversation about the potential to obtain and use data to create a heat vulnerability index for UK cities, or a similar...