23-24 November: EMEX – the Net Zero and Energy Management Expo

Space4Climate will be sharing UK expertise in climate data from space at the energy sector trade show at London's ExCeL, which this year has a focus on Net Zero and energy transitioning to renewables...

22-23 November: Made For Space

Re-scheduled from July, the Made For Space Conference is an in-person event at the  Manufacturing Technology Centre, Coventry, and online...

25 October: Space4Climate Net Zero Working Group – EO for Sustainable Finance

Join the 1st Space4Climate Net Zero working group as it identifies high CO2e impact opportunities using UK Earth Observation (EO) capabilities, online, Tuesday, October 25th, 9.30-11am...

17-18 October: Sea Level Rise Conference

Taking place in Venice and organised by the pan-European Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise, this conference will also be streamed online. In-person registration closes on September 30th...

17-19 October: 2nd Climate Observation Conference

The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), supported by EUMETSAT, is holding this conference in Germany...

11 October: GeoCom Conference

The GeoCom Conference, organised by the Association for Geographic Information (AGI), takes place at the Royal Georgraphical Society in London...

10-14 October United Nations World Geospatial Information Congress (UNWGIC)

The theme for this event in India is ‘Geo-enabling the global village – no one should be left behind’...

18-22 September IAC Paris (International Astronautical Congress)

Tuesday, September 20th will be Earth Observation Day at IAC Paris, look out for plenty of news, updates and innovations from the UK EO community, as well as internationally...